Passenger drop-off and pick-up areas

Starting August 1, 2024, a trial shuttle service for tourist buses will be operational, ending in November 2024, with operating hours from 9:00 to 19:00. The route will be Pescaia Alta – San Prospero on the way out and San Prospero – Fagiolone on the way back. This service will be available only for tourist buses heading to the city center (with permits O and TP); therefore, no changes are planned for permits P, H, G, and C.

In the hours 9:00-19:00, tourist buses with destination city center can reach, except in the time slot 12:15-14:15 of school days, exclusively the docks of Pescaia Alta (passenger destination San Prospero with shuttle) and San Marco and then stop at the Fagiolone (Mark O only).

During the 12:15-14:15 school days, buses can only book the Fagiolone (passenger destination with the San Prospero shuttle).

From 19:00 to 9:00, drivers of tourist buses heading to the city center (with O and TP permits) can book and reach the San Prospero and San Marco docking stations.

Docking Pescaia Alta (enabled every day 9:00-19:00 for arrival, except in the time slot 12:15-14:15 of school days) 

The buses that choose to arrive in Pescaia Alta (passenger destination San Prospero with the shuttle) leave the passengers at Box1 of the berth for the boarding of the same on the shuttles; then park at the Fagiolone (O), where they wait in the 9:00-19:00 the return of passengers from San Prospero by shuttle (mooring for the return Fagiolone) while in the 19:00-9:00 range they go to San Prospero to pick up tourists (mooring for the return San Prospero)

San Marco docking (allowed for arrival and departure always, except in the time slot 12:15-14:15 of school days)

Buses that choose to arrive in San Marco can directly reach the dock, unload passengers, and transfer to the stop at the Fagiolone. At the end of the visit to the historical center, they return to San Marco (departure berth San Marco) to pick up tourists except in the time slot 12:15-14:15 on school days, when the group returns to the Fagiolone with the shuttle from Campino (departure berth Fagiolone).

Fagiolone docking (enabled for return with hours 9:00-19:00 every day and for departure only in the time slot 12:15-14:15 of school days)

Buses can only reach the Fagiolone during the school day time slot 12:15-14:15, and shuttles continuously connect the Fagiolone with the “Campino di San Prospero.”

San Prospero docking (enabled every day 19:00-9:00)

The berth can be booked and reached by bus only in the 19:00-9:00 time slot in the absence of the shuttle service,

You are strongly recommended to book online on the Sigerico Spa website for maximum punctuality. Buses with a reservation can go directly to the berth at the required time. If the arrival time differs from that indicated in the permit, you must pass through the Fagiolone or call the number 0577 228742 to be allowed to continue. In case of excessive occupation of the docks, the bus will have to wait at the Fagiolone. Buses arriving at the Fagiolone without reservation will be allowed to dock in Pescaia Alta or San Marco, depending on the availability of the stalls. They will have to wait at the Fagiolone.


The following arrangements will remain in effect, until July 31, 2024:


There are four areas to drop-off and pick-up passengers, all around the limited traffic zone of Siena, offering easy access to the historical city center. The stay on the drop-off and pick-up  area is allowed for a maximum of 15 minutes and it is reserved exclusively to the owners of the relative authorization issued at the payment of the rate at the Tourist Bus Check Point “Il Fagiolone” or at the moment of reservation. Ther autorization has to be displayed at all times on the vehicle windscreen.

Attracco passeggeri

It is located inside the public car park known as Ex Campino di San Prospero, just before the Fortezza Medicea, close to the Stadio Fortezza car park. It provides an easy way for tourists to quickly reach Piazza del Campo.

It is located in Piazza Giovanni Amendola, by the Antiporto di Camollia in front ot the escalator leading to the Train Station. It is ideal for those visiting the northern area of the city centre, accessible through the historical city gate “Porta Camollia“, just a few hundred meters away. Piazza del Campo is just a 15 minute walk away.

It is located in Piazzale Biringucci, just outside Porta San Marco. It is easily reachable from the “Siena Ovest” beltway exit. This is the best drop-off point for those who want to visit the Western part of the area. From here, by walk, you can reach Piazza Duomo and the well known Santa Maria della Scala Museum.

It is situated on the upper part of “Strada di Pescaia”. From here you can reach the city centre and the Fortezza Medicea in only 20 minutes by foot. There is also an escalator to facilitate the access to via Cesare Battisti, close to the Fortezza Medicea, on the side of the Ex Campino di San Prospero.


During school days, from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM, some of the drop-off and pick-up points are used by school buses. Hence, “Si.GE.RI.CO. Spa and the Municipality of Siena have arranged a free shuttle bus service at the tourists’ disposal. The shuttle bus runs between Il Fagiolone parking area and the Fontebranda escalator.